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App Store marketing campaign

app store marketing campaign


Marketing campaigns for apps are more complex than you might think. Sure, you can get started with a few quick clicks, but if you want to optimize your results and attract high quality users who will actually use your app, you'll need to put in some work. If you're new to marketing campaigns in app stores or want a refresher on best practices, look no further: We've outlined everything you need to know below.

A/B test your creatives

A/B testing, or split testing, is an invaluable method for finding out which creative assets perform best with your target audience. It's basically a way to test multiple versions of a single element in two separate groups and then analyze the results. You can use this method to test different creatives (images, videos), copy (headlines), or even your landing page setup.

The best part about A/B testing is that it allows you to find out what works best before implementing it into your campaigns. After all, there's no point in wasting time and money on something that doesn't work!

To do this yourself without disrupting your entire campaign schedule, I recommend using Optimizely: It'll help you set up simple experiments—and get them running quickly—without having to mess around too much with code on each page of your site.

Analyze your app store metrics

Once you've set up your app store marketing campaign, it's time to get data-driven. There are a number of ways to analyze and interpret the metrics your app store is providing you with. You can use this information to optimize your campaign and improve the performance of your app in the future:

  • Top charts

  • Search results (for keywords)

  • New releases

Adapt your messaging to fit cultural context

When you launch your app, it's important to remember that every market is different. Different countries will have different cultural norms and expectations for how an app should work and what kind of messaging is appropriate. For example, if you're selling a dating app in Japan where arranged marriages are still common, it might make sense to give users an option to find matches through their parents' networks by default.

If you're launching in South Korea or other countries with a high number of gamers (Japan also falls into this category), it may be helpful to add a gaming mechanic into your design so that people who aren't interested in dating can still use the product. It's also worth noting that these users might be more receptive than others at paying for additional features like chat bots or gift cards—but only if they feel like they're getting their money's worth! Once again: localize!

Acquire high quality, long-term users

As we discussed earlier, retention is key to success. To get users to come back and continue using your app, you need to create a great product with compelling features that your customers will love. In addition, you need to do everything in your power to make the user experience as frictionless as possible.

Get users to spend more money

You’ve probably heard this advice before: “give away the first 1-5 levels of your game for free and then make them pay for more” or “sell upgrades inside the app every time they use it.” These strategies work because they give people an opportunity to try out an app before committing themselves fully (and therefore, making them less likely not only leave but also recommend). If done correctly, this can lead people who may never have tried something before become loyal users for life!

Measure ad performance with apps

You’ve spent a lot of time and energy putting together a marketing campaign, so it’s important to measure the results. You need to see if your ad is driving downloads, how many people are using it, and what keywords are driving traffic.

Here’s what you should be measuring in your app store analytics:

  • In-app events – How users are interacting with your app? Are they opening the app? Are they completing a purchase? These data points can give you valuable insight into user behavior that helps inform future marketing campaigns.

  • App store search data – What keywords are bringing users to your product page on the App Store? This information will help you optimize future campaigns based on what particular keywords drive more downloads for specific apps (and thus more revenue). If there's an opportunity for improvement here, now's the time to address it before getting started again!

Target the right audience

You need to target the right audience. You can’t just go for any random person and expect them to be interested in your app. This is where targeting comes into play: it helps you reach the right users who are likely to download your app based on their demographics, interests, and behavioral data.

There are two main ways you can use targeting in the App Store: All Users and People Who Meet Your Criteria. The difference is that with All Users, all users see your ad whether or not they belong to one of your chosen target groups (e.g., women under 25). With People Who Meet Your Criteria—which is also called “Campaign-Based Targeting”—the ads will only be shown to users who belong to at least one of your chosen target groups (e.g., men over 50).

Customize campaign details by device type, geographic region and language settings, OS version and more.

It's easy to customize your campaign for maximum impact. You can choose to target specific devices and languages, regions, OS versions and more. When you have a good understanding of the different elements that make up your ideal audience, it's time to set some goals and start tracking progress towards them.

Marketing campaigns in app stores take some precision.

App store marketing campaigns are powerful tools that can help you acquire high quality, long-term users. These campaigns require precise execution, though. Here's what you need to do:

  • A/B test your creatives

  • Analyze your app store metrics and adapt your messaging accordingly

  • Acquire high quality, long-term users


Marketing campaigns in app stores are not as straightforward as other digital marketing channels, but they have their own set of tools and creative opportunities. It’s important to know the ins-and-outs of the app store environment and how best to use its features to reach your audience. You also need to understand how much time it will take before you see results—it may take anywhere from a few days or weeks depending on your goals!

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