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App store marketing

App store marketing


Your app is great. You know it's great, and you're pretty sure that most of your friends and family know it's great too. But that doesn't mean the world is ready to download it. You have to get the word out about your app—and getting people excited about it starts with first impressions. These tips will help you create content for your app store page that will get people interested in downloading your app or game:

Get started with your app store marketing strategy

You don't have to understand all the ins and outs of marketing your app—but it is important that you follow some basic rules. These include making sure that your name and description are clear, concise and contain no spelling errors. Your icon should also be catchy enough to draw attention in the store's crowded marketplace.

Your screenshots should be clean, high-resolution images that show off what your app does best—whether it's playing a game or editing photos. A great way to attract users' attention is by adding video previews on social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter, which provide an opportunity for prospective customers to get a better idea about how your product works before downloading it onto their devices. Finally, one must make sure reviews are left by happy customers who say something positive about their experience with your app—this will help increase its popularity among other potential buyers!

Choose an app store name and description that work for you.

Choosing a name for your app store listing is the first step to getting noticed. It's recommended that you start with the name of your app, which is usually short and memorable and easy to spell, so it’s nice if it also happens to be unique. This makes it easier for users looking for an app like yours to find you on their devices’ home screens or in search results.

Once you've decided on a name, make sure that no one else has taken that same name before you did by searching in the App Store or Google Play (depending on where you're publishing) using keywords like “wallet” or “chatting” (or whatever word describes what type of experience your users will have).

Next comes choosing a description that gives people enough information about what they can expect from using this particular application without being too long. Try making sure there are keywords in there so people who do searches can easily find something relevant instead of just showing up as part of some generic list with thousands upon thousands other apps listed under similar topics!

If possible try adding something catchy at the end like “Download now!” or even just adding something short like “Chat safely online today!

Build a clear, catchy icon to help users find your app.

Your app's icon is the first thing users will see and remember, so make sure it's clear, simple, and memorable. It should also be consistent with the rest of your branding.

If you're thinking of using your app's logo as its icon, think again. Apple has strict rules about what can go into icons: no trademarks or logos (unless they're part of the name), no text except for keywords or branding elements like names or slogans (like "Snapchat", which uses "S" for its lowercase letter), no screenshots from inside the app itself—and nothing that might confuse customers into thinking they're downloading something else entirely!

Create screenshots that define the look and feel of your app.

A good app store marketing campaign is one where every piece of content contributes to the overall message you’re trying to convey. The screenshots are no exception.

You need to use high-quality screenshots that clearly show off the best features of your app, but don’t forget that they also need to work together as a cohesive unit. If you put up too many screenshots or if they're all over the place stylistically (for example, some are in black and white while others are in color), then it's going to be hard for people visiting your page on Apple or Google Play not just to see them but also understand what makes this particular product special.

Add preview videos to further show off your app.

If you have a preview video, or some kind of demo reel, it’s even better. In addition to showing off the look and feel of your app, videos can also be used to show off its features and user interface. Even if you don’t have a professional video (or even if you do), adding a short clip will give users an idea of what they can expect when they download your app.

Consider localization so you can reach more potential users.

Localization is a process of adapting your content for specific markets. It can help you reach more users, especially if your app is in a language other than English.

The App Store supports localization for the following languages: Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean*, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian and Spanish.*

Pursue ratings and reviews.

You’ve probably heard that ratings and reviews play a huge part in the success of your app. There are far too many apps to sort through, so users pick the ones with higher ratings. It makes sense.

That doesn’t mean you should take getting ratings and reviews for granted, though! You can still do everything you can to get more good reviews from your users—and respond to negative ones when they happen—to increase your chances of success on the App Store.

The steps in this guide will help you create the right content for first impressions.

Now that you've got a great app idea, it's time to make sure that first impression is just as good. The steps in this guide will help you create the right content for first impressions.

  • Use the right name, description and icon: A simple mistake can be enough to deter potential users from downloading your app. Make sure you have the best possible name for your product, along with an appropriate description and high-quality icons. A good way to check if your icon is good enough is by searching on Google Images for something similar—if yours stands out against others then it's probably doing its job well!

  • Create screenshots to show off the app: Screenshots are an important tool when marketing mobile apps as they allow potential users to get an idea of how they might use it before downloading it themselves so make sure they're good quality images which accurately represent what users would see within seconds after opening up your app store page or clicking on a link sent via email/text message etcetera (see section 4).


We hope this brief overview of app store marketing has helped you understand the value of your app and how to present it to users. By following these steps and putting in the right amount of time and effort, you can build a successful library of apps that will keep your business growing strong!

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